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A New Reclaimed Building 4

Posted 27th April 2024 by Mongers Admin


Everyone probably knows about the reuse of the humble brick. Commonly reclaimed and used for extensions and alterations where the works are required to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. However, they can prove an expensive choice when used in large quantities. We are using them quite sparingly on our building, but they will be forming a striking front wall, which will be seen from the street and incorporates our antique Georgian entranceway with half round fanlight. A homage to the fine examples of Georgian porticos to be found in Hingham.

I have bought 6000 bricks from the demolition of an old barn nearby. Norfolk bricks are quite soft and can vary enormously from one part of the county to another, so it is important to source the right brick for any project. These bricks are a good match to those that are used in our existing garden walls.


We pay roughly £1 a brick from site, but due to the soft and crumbly nature of our local bricks we shall allow for a degree of wastage. The front wall, which is laid using Flemish bond, is going to be an important and striking feature to the building.

It is very much the same story with roof tiles. Relatively easy to remove from existing roofs they are reclaimed every year in their millions. I, on a personal level, can see the appeal of a clean and uniform roof but would always favour the character and variation of weathered old tiles. Here, where we are trying to blend into a historic environment, they would seem essential.

Hingham’s Market Place has some fine Georgian properties, most have pantile or black slate roofs.  Pantiles are commonplace throughout most of East Anglia, which reflects the Dutch influence on the local architecture. To elevate houses above the ordinary, black glazed tiles were often used. So, in and around 1800, when most of the houses in our Market Place were built, the developers opted for the posher and more expensive black tile. Not to be outdone and which to blend into our surroundings we also have opted for a black pantile roof.

I managed to acquire 1800 tiles from one property that we put aside for this build a few years ago. There are many cheaper options than a reclaimed pantile roof, but this one is hopefully going to look quite smart.

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